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Online Knowledge Base
Natural Resource Governance around the World

Ensure efficiency of agricultural production and end hunger

What is at stake with this resource

Manual cultivation in rice terraces. Ifugao. The Philippines. © M.Merlet

Most of those who are hungry in the world today are farmers, herders, and fishermen who do not have access to essential resources (land, water, finance, etc.) in order to produce their food. Moreover, the preservation of environmental balances requires support for the best suited and most efficient forms of agricultural development.

The different forms of family agriculture (both small and medium) have demonstrated their economic efficiency worldwide; through their creation of more wealth per unit area, more productive employment, and their incurrance of less trouble than industrial scale agriculture. By helping to develop agroecological techniques, small holder agriculture can contribute decisively to addressing the main challenges of the twenty-first century - if it has the necessary resources.

This challenge is specified by a list of subjects, presented on the right of this page. By clicking on each of them, you can access documents on this site which will help either specify their nature or help you build your own answers.

Optimise access to land and natural resources


Scientific articles and publications

Papers / Documents for wide distribution

Research Papers

Presentations of a book / reading notes


Audio recordings

Press releases



Create more net wealth and employment per unit area


Scientific articles and publications

Papers / Documents for wide distribution

Research Papers

Work documents


Press releases

Support small holder farming with appropriate public policies


Scientific articles and publications

Papers / Documents for wide distribution

Research Papers

Work documents


Audio recordings

Press Articles

