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Online Knowledge Base
Natural Resource Governance around the World

AGTER’s Thematic Meetings - Videos

Folder presentation

AGTER organizes regular meetings to allow network members to discuss central issues related to the governance of natural resources, water and land. These meetings are open to the public. They can occur in different places, in France or in other countries, and take place in different languages.

Those interested in a meeting must register in advance by contacting the AGTER team. To receive emails of invitation to these meetings, stating the place, date and the contents of each event, complete the form provided for this purpose on the association’s website (

The meetings begin with a conference or round table and end with questions and discussion with the audience. Key extracts from these meetings are available in this website in the form of video syntheses, as well as supporting documents (slideshow, written text when they are available).

The publication of these video syntheses is announced in AGTER’s newsletter, which informs about new articles published on both AGTER’s websites, the one of the association and the online knowledge base. You can subscribe to this newsletter registering on

Table of contents

Research Papers


