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Natural Resource Governance around the World

Workshop Soil Management and Land Policies. China-Europe Forum (2007)

Folder presentation

Funding organizations: Forum Chine Europe

Folder Contributors: Renmin University of China - 中國人民大學, Association pour contribuer à l’Amélioration de la Gouvernance de la Terre, de l’Eau et des Ressources naturelles (AGTER)

In September 2005, the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress (FPH) and its partners held in China a first forum bringing together eminent European and Chinese personalities for a genuine dialogue on the major issues of our world and our societies around the European construction.

A second China-Europe Forum took place in October 2007 in Europe, in order to offer the actors of change of both continents the opportunity to confront their points of view, to formulate their respective expectations and to propose ways to collaborate outside of official international conferences. It was born from a joint initiative of the FPH, the Center for Contemporary Chinese Studies in Brussels, the Association of Chinese Intellectuals living in Europe, the Peoples’ University of Beijing, the University of China Diplomacy, the Sun Yat Sen University in Canton, the Institudo de Estudos Europeos in Macau, the Macau Foundation and the Henry Fok Foundation. It was supported by the European Commission.

As part of the Forum, AGTER organized and facilitated the thematic workshop on « Soil Management and Land Policies »}. This WT54 workshop is the subject of this file. It covered three main themes:

  • the management of land and all the issues related to the governance of rural and agricultural land.

  • the management of urban spaces and in particular the problems related to the urban expansion

  • soil management.


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