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Natural Resource Governance around the World

Family farming enterprises or large companies with employees? Economic, social, environmental and cultural consequences.

WFAL 2016. Plenary Session 3

The videos below are in the original version, without subtitles. Transcripts and translations of the speeches can be found in the WFAL proceedings, in French, English and Spanish.


Introduction: Sidy Seck (Univ. Gaston Berger) Senegal

Parviz Koohafkan (Word Agricultural Heritage Foundation) Iran

Laura Lorenzo (Foro Rural Mondial) Spain

Hubert Cochet (Univ. AgroParisTech) France

Elga Angulo Gutierrez (Confederación Campesina del Perú - COPROFAM) Peru

Jan D. Van Der Ploeg (Univ of Wageningen - WUR) The Netherlands

Speakers’ responses to questions from the public
