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Fondo Documental Dinámico
sobre la gobernanza de los recursos naturales en el mundo

Versión Española: No al megaproyecto Europacity del triangulo de Gonesse! (Ed. # 36)

No to the Europacity mega-project in the triangle of Gonesse! (Ed. # 36)

Escrito por: Coline Sauzion

Fecha de redaccion:

Organizaciones: Association pour contribuer à l’Amélioration de la Gouvernance de la Terre, de l’Eau et des Ressources naturelles (AGTER)

Tipo de documento: Boletín informativo

On Sunday May 21st in Gonesse (Val d’Oise, France), we were more than 1500 protesting against the Europacity project that aims at building a touristic and commercial mega complex. This out-dated project, that bears the imprint of unrestrained consumerism, is intended to become a place for “commercial, cultural and leisure activities” that would include shops, restaurants, cinemas, congress rooms, aquatic centre and ski slopes…the cost of it being the destruction of 80 hectares of agricultural land and the scrapping of a huge opportunity of addressing today’s nutritional and ecologic challenges that is provided by this agricultural land North of Paris and to.

The Europacity opponents belonging to the Carma group (Cooperation for a Rural, Metropolitan and Agricultural Ambition) have already designed an alternative project for this area in the Gonesse triangle. It would aim at making this territory a peri-urban agricultural pole (See :…). There is still a long way of mobilization to go before seeing Europacity definitely abandoned and leaving the floor to a territorial development project that serves the people, their nutrition and their economic and ecologic environment : lets attend the upcoming events against Europacity !

In this edition you will read other short news and papers reporting actions of resistance in various parts of the world: in Andalusia the Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (SOC-SAT) initiated a new land occupation, in Haïti the Papaya Peasant Movement continues its historical fight for rural development serving the peasants, in Rhône-Alpes area a mobilization against the Lyon-Saint-Etienne highway project is planned on July 1st and 2nd, or even members of the European Parliament support Berta Cacerés’ family fight…

Read also in this edition about agrarian policy and land access in Cuba, history of land redistribution in Brazil, landgrabbing in Niger, Madagascar projects of Agricultural Investment Zones, and much more…

Enjoy reading!


And still: don’t forget to watch the interviews made during the Land Access Forum!