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sobre la gobernanza de los recursos naturales en el mundo

Versión Española: Los cambios de la política agraria de Cuba en el marco de la actualización de su modelo económico y social

The evolution of Cuban’s agrarian policy in the context of the updating of the economic and social model

Fuentes documentales

Journal Cahiers des Amériques latines. 84 | 2017 . Pages 69-89

Dossier: Cuba : les temporalités et tensions du changement



In Cuba, between 1959 and 2008, no large range land redistribution to individual producers had been considered. Since 1990 several redistribution processes of land were implemented with important impacts, but none of them was so deep in terms of area scale. Since 2008 Cuba has developed a process of non-used land distribution aimed to producers having little or no land. This mesure represents an important innovation in agrarian policy.

Such a radical change is worth being described and analyzed, although little information on the matter has been published. Besides, there are not many analyses available regarding agricultural structure evolution, particularly small production. The property and/or usufruct relationship and the rules for rights of transmission are another topic that has been little documented.

From fieldwork observations done in Cuban rural areas, literature review and the analysis of available statistics, this paper focuses on this land transformation process within a wider historical framework, and begins to explore forgotten topics related to the agrarian issue in Cuba.

The full article in French is available free of charge on the web site of the Latin American Cahiers at the following address: